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RIC Graduate & Fulbright Scholar Heads for Austria

Rhode Island College Impact

Joseph Sherry not only made Dean’s List for eight consecutive semesters, graduating summa cum laude, he won a prestigious Fulbright Austria scholarship.


Rhode Island College Impact

Art major Seanna Poirier’s museum-quality jewelry design has won her numerous honors and awards during her college career at RIC.

Jacob Chippo, Tenor Extraordinaire

RIC junior wins major vocal competition

Joe DeLeo Lives for the Stage

"Deciding to make a career out of performing wasn’t easy," says DeLeo.

Julio Berroa – Artist of Many Genres

With ambitions more appropriate for an action hero than a college freshman, greatness is not a problem for Julio Berroa.

Classism – America’s Great Divide

Community and counseling psychologist Barbara Jensen delivered the Dialogue on Diversity Spring Lecture titled “Across the Great Divide: Crossing Classes and Clashing Cultures” before a standing-room-only audience. 

World Anthropology Day at Rhode Island College

Rhode Island College Impact

RIC students and preschoolers gain hands-on experience in the subfields of anthropology during World Anthropology Day.

Prof. Abbotson Presents Thorp Lecture, March 3

Sue Abbotson, Professor of English, is a leading scholar on the work of playwright Arthur Miller.

RIC Simulation Coordinator Awarded for Excellence

Rhode Island College Impact

For excellence in pioneering, advocating and championing clinical simulation training at Rhode Island College, Simulation Coordinator/Educator Penni Sadlon has been recognized by Education Management (EMS) Solutions, LLC.