Those applying for the BSW to MSW program need to:
- be enrolled in Social Work 326, having completed all course prerequisites
- submit a letter of reference from a BSW faculty member - this is in addition to the one submitted to join the BSW major
- have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 at the College level and a minimum GPA of 2.67 in 300-level social work courses (Maintenance of a 3.0 GPA and passing all field education classes is then the minimal standard for continuing in the BSW to MSW.)
- evidence of personal qualities considered essential to professional social work practice, such as: responsiveness and sensitivity in relationships, values compatible with the values of the social work profession, the ability to understand and carry out the ethical obligations of a social worker, commitment to improving social conditions, the ability to function collectively with others
- evidence of the ability to do graduate level work is also required.
Transfer students must also comply with all of these requirements.
For questions about the BSW to MSW application process, applicants may speak to their assigned faculty advisor, the chair of the BSW department, or their designee.