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A Study in Leadership in Three Acts

From high-powered healthcare management executive to dean of RIC’s School of Business, Marianne Raimondo is blazing a path of innovation.

Enfermeras y enfermeros sin fronteras: Docente de RIC crea clínica en remota aldea de Haití

Rhode Island College Impact

La docente Jocelyne de Gouvenain empezó con un sueño para su pueblo que se convirtió en una experiencia de aprendizaje para los estudiantes de enfermería.

RIC Social Work Students and Faculty Member Earn Prestigious NASW-RI Awards

Rhode Island College Impact

RIC’s School of Social Work has a statewide reputation for producing superior graduates taught by exceptional faculty.

Educadores de RI viajan al país de origen de sus estudiantes liderados por profesora de RIC

Rhode Island College Impact

“Es importante saber de dónde vienen nuestros estudiantes para poder apoyarlos mejor en nuestras escuelas”. ~ Profesora Erin Papa 

R.I. Educators Travel to Their Students’ Native Guatemala, Led by RIC Professor

“It’s important to know where our students come from, so we can better support them in our schools.” — Asst. Prof. Erin Papa (pictured far left)

ENTREVISTA: Docente aborda la temática sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua

Rhode Island College Impact

"Lo bueno de los cursos de idiomas en RIC es que creamos una atmósfera donde los estudiantes pueden sentirse seguros al utilizar el nuevo idioma", dice la docente Hadid.

The Q&A: Assist. Prof. Hadid Addresses Issues in Teaching and Learning a Second Language

Rhode Island College Impact

“The beauty of the language courses at RIC is that we create an atmosphere where students can feel safe to try out the new language,” says Assist. Prof. Hadid.

RIC’s First Open Textbook Written by Faculty Debuts

RIC faculty are encouraged to use and compose more open textbooks for their courses.

Asst. Prof. Noh Publishes Article That Examines Autocrats Who Claim Gender Equality

Noh’s article casts light on regimes that advance women’s rights as a way of boosting their legitimacy.

Escuela de negocios de RIC ofrece nueva carrera en gestión deportiva

Rhode Island College Impact

Que comience el juego: Nueva titulación a partir del otoño de 2023.