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Two Social Work Majors Are Helping Their Latino Community

“After all these years of working in the Latino community, it’s clear to me that the United States needs more bilingual counselors.” – Cruz Zapata

Graduate Nurses Aim to Diversify Nursing Ranks and Tackle Healthcare Disparities

This group’s commitment to diversity extends beyond RIC into the Rhode Island community.

Educadores de RI viajan al país de origen de sus estudiantes liderados por profesora de RIC

Rhode Island College Impact

“Es importante saber de dónde vienen nuestros estudiantes para poder apoyarlos mejor en nuestras escuelas”. ~ Profesora Erin Papa 

R.I. Educators Travel to Their Students’ Native Guatemala, Led by RIC Professor

“It’s important to know where our students come from, so we can better support them in our schools.” — Asst. Prof. Erin Papa (pictured far left)

RIC Freshman Isabella Ba Wins Competitive PBS Scholarship

A communication major and tennis player, Ba is on her way to a career in newscasting.

Estudiante de RIC ayuda a padres solteros a encontrar un puerto seguro

Rhode Island College Impact

Julissa Pereira les aclara que: “Sean cuales sean tus objetivos, son factibles, posibles y, si lo desean, están a su alcance”. Y agrega: “Yo estaré apoyándoles en cada paso”.

RIC B.P.S. Student Helps Single Parents Find Safe Haven

Julissa Pereira tells her clients, “Whatever your goals are, it’s doable, it’s feasible and, if you want it, it’s within reach.” She then adds, “I’ll be behind you every step of the way.”

Gabrielle Patrone ’23 Awarded Prestigious Fulbright Fellowship

Rhode Island College Impact

This is the third year in a row that a Rhode Island College student has won a Fulbright.

RIC is Pipeline for Year Up Job Training Program in IT

Rhode Island College Impact

These IT technicians have gone from a free job training program at Year Up to RIC Help Desk employees on their way to earning their degrees.

Internship Abroad Prepares RIC Student for an International Career in Technology

“Interning or studying abroad is also a great opportunity for students to open their minds to new perspectives and ways of living and to practice a foreign language,” says Associate Professor of Portuguese Silvia Oliveira.