Congressman James Langevin
- Distinguished Chair
- Institute for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies
We are a regional center of excellence for cybersecurity. Our leading researchers and professionals are developing practical and policy approaches to the cybersecurity challenges facing businesses, non-profits and government.
Explore the Institute for Cybersecurity & Emerging Technologies
Alexander brings more than three decades of experience in a variety of information technology and teaching roles.
“The goal is to inspire them to continue their IT education and/or pursue employment in the IT industry,” says Professor Bain.
Discover new acquisitions in our Latin American Literature book collection! The selection includes contemporary voices from different parts of Latin America, writing in different genres and languages.
Congress to Campus, a prestigious program in which RIC has participated since 2005, is sponsored by the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress (FMC). This program offers college students a unique civic education opportunity by engaging them in honest dialogue with bipartisan teams of Former...
This is one of four programs in our Congress to Campus series. Join us for a crucial discussion on the importance of media literacy and how to stay informed in the wake of the 2024 presidential election.
This is one of four programs in our Congress to Campus series. This event features trailblazing political leaders who will provide a first-hand and introspective look at the current climate for women's political participation.
Featuring live entertainment and a great meal! Enjoy a selection of food, for only $11, chosen by students for students!
Join us for a networking event with local RI business leaders from RI Brewers Guild.