The Rhode Island College Upward Bound Program is required to offer a six-week academic/ residential experience each summer to students who have met program standards and who have not yet graduated from high school. There is no charge to the student or family for summer room and board. The Upward Bound budget supports the cost of each student’s private room, meals, instruction, tutoring, and activities sponsored by the program during the days the summer program is in session.
Students live and study on the campus of Rhode Island College, Sunday evening through Friday afternoon each week for six weeks. They cannot leave campus to work or visit their families during the week. If an off-campus activity is planned for the group of summer students, they are transported by buses and are well supervised by program staff.
A well-supervised, structured program affords students the opportunity to live and learn in a supportive campus community which simulates the college experience. By living on campus, students are able to focus on their academic and personal development. The Upward Bound experience sets high expectations for students and provides the services for students to reach their potential.
The dates for the summer academic/residential program are published in the recruitment materials, on the Upward Bound website, and communicated to students and families.