Writers from grades 1 to 12 will spend two weeks in early July experimenting with writing in a variety of genres and sharing their work with peers. Whether writing personal narratives or new works of fiction, creating poetry or exploring the RIC campus in search of topics, or simply interacting with each other, students will enthusiastically engage in the process of writing. The writing camp is open to all students (K-12) who enjoy writing. For more information or questions, contact Camp Director Jeff Lawton.
Past Participant Takeaways
“I love just everything we did and I’m also excited to perform our play!” -Grade 3 Student
“I think that this camp is amazing! It is fun and I meet so many great people that I look forward to seeing each summer!” -Grade 7 Student
Parent Takeaways
“I am so happy that this program exists. I would rate the program a 10, as it’s a very positive and beneficial experience for the students. I’m thankful and happy that my child attended Writing Camp this summer.”