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What We Do

If you’re interested in filmmaking, movie reviewing, or other careers related to the entertainment industry, then you might be interested in a film studies major or minor.


What We Do

Our program prepares graduates, future scholars and activists to understand, navigate and disrupt interlocking systems of oppression based on gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, social class, sexuality, nationality and ability.

What We Do

The Global Studies Program prepares students to work in a wide variety of fields, including public service, government, nonprofit and international nongovernmental organizations.

What We Do

We support our students, mostly working professionals, as they manage career, family, and graduate school. We offer one of the most affordable master’s degrees in the Northeast, creating pathways to new professional options and career advancement.


What We Do

The Department of Health and Physical Education offers innovative undergraduate and graduate programs for students interested in improving health status and promoting wellness and fitness in school and/or community settings.