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Tech Ed Brings Out the Kid in Alumnus Tavell Johnson

“…every day I feel like a kid in a sandbox because I get to play with different machines and teach others about those machines.”

RIC Alum Receives 2024-25 Milken Educator Award, the “Oscar” of the Teaching Profession

Maria Santonastaso now joins the roster of teachers voted best in the country. (Photo credit Milken Family Foundation)

Future Teacher Goals – Provide Safe Space for Young Artists

“Through art education, I’m able to teach students to socialize, to connect, to learn about each other and about themselves.” – RIC senior Caterina Brunell

American Public Schools in Crisis – Part II

In Part II of this Q&A, alumna Yanaiza Gallant discusses the massive teacher shortage and what real education reform could look like.

Jhon Cardona – Nonnative Speaker Becomes Master ESL Teacher

“I sometimes wonder how I got here. As a kid, I always wanted to be a doctor. But life takes you where you were meant to go.” – Jhon Cardona

Latina Marcy Reyes is on a Mission to End the Cycle of Poverty

Poverty is passed down from generation to generation due to a lack of financial education, Reyes maintains.

Hope Scholarship Helped This Future Teacher Reach Her Goal

“Getting this scholarship was HUGE because I had been paying my way through school without the help of my parents.”

MEET OUR GRADUATES: Deprived of an Education at a Young Age, Now Graduating at 57

“I hope my story encourages all young people to attend school and keep on going,” says Jacqueline Lawson.

Faculty Mini Grants Give Students Hands-On Immersive Learning Experiences

At RIC, emphasis is on student-centered learning, and it’s being backed by funding from the RIC Foundation.